Something that nobody wants but 1 in 10 suffer from - and not just when they have over-eaten!

Bloat is defined as:
Any abnormal gas swelling, or increase in diameter of the abdominal area.
Bloating and gas are usually tied to what and how you eat, and your posture during the day, so a few simple changes may help.
Lets take a look at the common causes for bloating!
Food intolerance's
Gas in general
Lack of water – dehydration
Water retention
Certain Foods
Weight gain
Acidic and/or carbonated beverages
Period starting
Too much salt intake
Let's look at a couple of these: Posture
It shouldn’t be any surprise that posture can affect the way you digest food.
After all, your posture determines how easily blood can flow around your body, and digestion requires a lot of blood flowing to your gut – if something is impairing that blood flow, then your digestion will be sluggish and you’ll get that “brick in your stomach” feeling.

Human bodies aren’t adapted to hunching over in a chair with our necks sticking
forward all day. Our circulatory systems and muscle structures just aren’t built for it.
Try to be conscious of how you sit and stand, here are 4 points to think about:
1) Stand/sit tall (from the crown of your head)
2) Lift your chest (not so much that your rib thrust out, but so you aren't hunched forward)
3) Pinch your shoulder blades together
4) Engage your abs to stabilize this position.
Food intolerance's
Food allergies and intolerance's are relatively common.
When you eat foods that you are intolerant to, it can cause excess gas production, bloating and other symptoms.
Here are some common foods and ingredients to consider:
Wheat and Gluten:
Many people are allergic to wheat, or intolerant to gluten (a protein in wheat, spelt, barley and some other grains). This can lead to various adverse effects on digestion, including bloating All the recipes on the site are gluten free - check them out here
Lactose intolerance is associated with many digestive symptoms, including bloating. Lactose is the main carbohydrate in milk.
Fructose intolerance can lead to bloating.
Gas and bloating are common symptoms of egg allergy.
You can try avoiding some of these to see if it helps. But if you strongly suspect that you have a food allergy or intolerance, see a doctor.
About half of gas in the digestive system is swallowed air.
The rest is produced by bacteria in the gut that help digest food.
If the gastrointestinal tract does not move it through efficiently, gas builds up in the intestines, causing bloating and discomfort.
If you frequently experience bloating caused by gas, avoid these habits that increase how much air you swallow.
drinking through a straw
chewing gum
guzzling carbonated beverages
sucking on hard candy.
Some people swallow more air when they’re nervous.
It’s possible that practicing ways to reduce stress and anxiety, such as breathing exercises or progressive muscle relaxation, may help reduce excess gas and bloating.
Avoid Bloat-Inducing Foods
Difficult-to-digest foods can cause gassiness and bloating. These are some familiar culprits.
Beans and lentils contain indigestible sugars called oligosaccharides. These sugars must be broken down by bacteria in the intestines.
Fruits and vegetables such as Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, carrots, prunes, apricots. These contain sugars and starches that may cause gassiness and bloating.
Sweeteners can also cause gas and bloating. Sorbitol, an artificial sweetener, can’t be digested. Fructose, a natural sugar added to many processed foods, is difficult for many people to digest. To avoid bloating, be aware of these sweeteners in the foods you eat and limit the amount you consume.
Dairy products can be a source of intestinal distress and bloating if you have trouble digesting lactose, or milk sugar. NOTE: some dairy products are worse than others - I recommend only removing high-FODMAPS diary to start with
Whole grains, recommended for their many health benefits, can sometimes cause bloating and gas problems. One reason whole grains are so healthy is their high fiber content. But fiber is an indigestible carbohydrate. Abruptly increasing the amount of fiber you eat can cause gas, bloating, and constipation.
Nutritionists recommend slowly increasing the fiber in your diet to allow your body time to adjust. At the same time, drink plenty of water with high-fiber foods as all fiber absorbs water. So drinking liquids can help fiber move through the digestive system and prevents bloating and constipation.
If you have a food sensitivity you may need to remove all gluten or even all grains from your diet to reduce bloating.