Do you find yourself packing your kids a yummy, nutritious lunch and then running out the door to work without packing something for yourself?
Do you end up having to stand in line to buy something from a café, wondering which of the options would be best?
Do you find that by the end of the week you have wasted over $40 in lunches that you could have used in a much more productive way?
If you answered yes to any of those read on …..
Making yummy lunches that keep you satisfied means there is less reason to go out and buy something potentially unhealthy.
You know that bought lunches aren’t always the healthiest — your options are often either something fried or salads with dressings loaded with salt or sugar.
So really packing a healthy lunch should be a no-brainer.
I know it’s not always that easy though, so here are 5 common reasons why you might not be packing lunch and my tips on how to overcome them.
1) I never have time to pack a lunch
I know we are all busy trying to get out the door in the morning, not to mention getting the kids out the door without any of them having a major meltdown!
A good packed lunch does take a little preparation. So instead of rushing around each morning, take a little time during the week (or on Sunday) to do the preparation then.
Not sure how to best meal prep to save time in the kitchen? Check out my FREE guide
Here are a few ideas to get you started:
Cook some chicken breasts up for meat in your salads, wraps or sandwiches (I do mine in the slow cooker with some salsa).
Hard boil some eggs.
Slice up some veg and store in an airtight container.
Cook up a pot of quinoa.
Make salads in a jar ready to grab.
The options are endless ….
2) Packed lunches aren’t very appealing
If you are remembering your childhood when you were confronted with soggy sandwiches when you opened your lunch can, I feel your pain!
But packing a lunch doesn’t need to be like that. It is all in the way your “pack” your lunch – not what you are eating.
Spend a little money on high quality containers to pack your lunch in (I use planet boxes for my kids) but these are an awesome alternative!
Another couple of tips:
Either don’t make your sandwich until you are ready to eat it OR pack your tomatoes (or anything else “wet”) separately and add them just before you eat.
Pack salad dressing separately in a little container.
If making a salad in a jar, layer it so the “wet” contents are at the bottom of the jar.
3) Eating leftovers is boring
I get it, you don’t want to have the same meal over and over again! But rather than leaving perfectly good food sitting in the fridge (potentially going to waste) why don’t you get creative with it.
Grilled chicken and roast vegetables the night before can become a gourmet pizza or wrap.
Why not try out this broccoli pizza base >>>
Meatballs and rice could be turned into a meatball sub.
Play around with different ideas and find new ways of enjoying your leftovers.
4) A salad doesn’t fill me up!
Ummmmm did I say you had to eat a salad? However, a salad is one of my favorite “go-to” lunches.
But commonly when salads aren’t filling it is because people skimp on the protein.
So make sure you have a good serving (3/4 of a cup is my recommendation) of chicken, salmon, or tofu in it.
Hard boiled eggs is another great form of protein (2 hard boiled eggs would be a serving of protein).
Here is my favorite quinoa salad to have for lunch.

Also, do you send your kids to school with just one thing? No you don’t, it is important to pack a side, and snacks as well. Be sure to include some fruit, carrot sticks and hummus, or a homemade protein bar as snacks to keep you going throughout the day.
Remember you should be eating about every 3 hours.
5) I like being social!

It makes sense that you don’t want to be stuck at your desk during lunch.
A lot of people head out to lunch with friends to get a little social time during the day.
No one wants to give that up!
Depending on your workplace why don’t you eat at the communal kitchen or lunch area.
Or eat at your desk and then head to the café for a coffee or tea with friends. Better yet, grab a couple of friends and head outside for a quick walk and some fresh air!
Not sure where to start!
Here are some amazing ideas to get your started, from urbantastebud:
If this article helped, please share it with your friends and let it help them too!
Take care, because you deserve it! Katrina